Shaders with Pixi.js


0.Defining the Shader

The easiest place to define a GLSL is the HTML page. By setting the type to ‘shader’ in a script tag we can easily write our GLSL code.We can create the above image effect using the following shader code.

<script id="shader" type="shader">

precision mediump float;

varying vec2 vTextureCoord;//default Texture coords

uniform sampler2D uSampler;//default texture

uniform sampler2D offSetSampler;//values are passed from Pixi.js

uniform float uniform_float;//values are passeed from Pixi.js

vec4 ColorUT;

void main(){

ColorUT = texture2D(offSetSampler, fract(vTextureCoord+uniform_float));

gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord+ColorUT.xy*0.02);



1. Defining in Pixi

var frag_shaderCode = document.getElementById("shader").innerHTML;

//Pass Uniform data to Shader
simpleShader=newPIXI.Filter(undefined, frag_shaderCode, UniformData);
//default vertex shader will be called

We need to apply the defined shader to a Pixi container. The rendered image texture from the applied container and its texture coordinates are automatically passed by Pixi to ‘vTextureCoord’ and ‘uSampler’ variables in the shader.

2.Passing data

When we need to pass values to defined uniforms in the shader we must
define an object and define member variables using the same name which we used in the shader.

var UniformData = {



UniformData.offSetSampler = PIXI_Loader.resources["images/waterOff.jpg"].texture;


3.Updating data from Pixi

In the game loop

//Update Shader Data


4.Putting it all together

Github :

Plank.js + Pixi.js

Planck.js is JavaScript rewrite of the famous Box2D physics engine. The following post is about, converting and connecting Plank.js world with Pixi.js world.


0.Defining Plank world

plank_world = PLANK.World(
gravity:PLANK.Vec2(0, -10)

1.Understanding the scale

Plank uses SI units (meters, seconds, kilograms), to make things visually realistic, pixel scales in Pixi must have a relationship with the real-world scale. In the example, I ‘ve used a football. In a 576*1024 pixel renderer view, I wanted my football to be 128*128 pixel image. So I have defined the view.
Now a football is approximately 0.20m in diameter.
128 pixels = 0.20 m

2.Understanding coordinate systems

To makes things easier I ‘ve placed the origin of the Plank world on the bottom left corner of the view.


3.Pixi to Plank and Plank to Pixi

According to the above definitions,

function pixiPositionToPlank(x, y) {

//change Y origin point and direction

//convert pixels to meters (64px = 0.1m)

function plankPositionToPixi(v) {

//convert pixels to meters (64px = 0.1m)
var retY=v.y*640;
var retX=v.x*640;

//change Y origin point and direction
retY= (retY*-1)+1024;

return { x:retX, y:retY };

4.Updating the Physics world

In the Game loop,

//Update Physics


var po=plankPositionToPixi(ball_body.getPosition());


5.Applying a force to the ball

var p = pixiPositionToPlank(,;
var f=PLANK.Vec2(ball_body.getPosition());

f=f.sub(p);//force direction
f.mul(2);//force magnitude
ball_body.applyLinearImpulse(f, p, true);

6. Collision event

plank_world.on('pre-solve', function(contact, oldManifold) {

var manifold=contact.getManifold();

if (manifold.pointCount==0) {



Plank js :

The Illusion of Life (of a Box)

In 1981 Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas of Disney animation introduced a recipe to give life to illustrations.

The 12 Principles of Animation

  1. Squash and Stretch
  2. Anticipation
  3. Staging
  4. Straight Ahead Action and Pose to Pose
  5. Follow Through and Overlapping Action
  6. Slow In and Slow Out
  7. Arc
  8. Secondary Action
  9. Timing
  10. Exaggeration
  11. Solid drawing
  12. Appeal

As Game Developers we can use these principles to make juicy animations.

Following is a simple animation I did using Pixi js (an open source webgl renderer ).

0_1This animation doesn’t use any principles other than moving in a arc.






1.1+ waits before the second movement (Staging)






2.2+ second movement function is replaced with the smooth step function (Slow In and Slow Out)





3.3+ a squash animation is scripted before the second movement (Anticipation)





4.4+ a squash and stretch animation is scripted on the end of the first movement (Squash and Stretch)





5.5+ a rotation animation is scripted to the end of the second movement (Follow Through and Overlapping Action)





6.6+ a squash and stretch values increased and a stretch is scripted in to the second movement (Exaggeration)





Following is the js source:


12 basic principles of animation wiki :

12 Principles of Animation vedio by AlanBeckerTutorials: